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Campagna Internazionale

Comunità di Sant'Egidio


Ejecutadas seis personas en Vietnam por delitos comunes

     Hanoi, 19   may .- Seis personas fueron ejecutadas esta semana en Vietnam acusadas de delitos de asesinato y trafico de drogas, informan hoy fuentes oficiales.

       Una mujer y dos hombres fueron ajusticiados en Hanoi el lunes por asesinato y por traficar con 1,4 kilos de heroina, mientras que ayer tres hombres fueron ejecutados por un peloton de fusilamiento en la ciudad de Ho Chi Minh (la antigua Saigon).

       Con estos fusilamientos ascienden a 25 los convictos ejecutados en Vietnam desde enero de 2004, cinco de los cuales eran mujeres.

       Desde la reforma de junio de 2000 del Codigo Penal vietnamita, 29 delitos pueden ser castigados con la pena de muerte, entre ellos la posesion de cien gramos de heroina o un kilo de opio, la falsificacion, el fraude y el contrabando.



Vietnam _ Six people convicted of murder and drug trafficking were executed by firing squads this week in Vietnam, state-controlled media reported Wednesday. Hoang Van Lam, 31, Nguyen Huu Toan, 24, and Le Cong Danh, 35, were put to death Tuesday morning in Ho Chi Minh City in separate murder cases, the Thanh Nien (Young People) newspaper said. On Monday in Hanoi, Nguyen Anh Tu, 22, and Ngo Anh Dung, 23, were executed for killing a man and robbing him of his motorbike, while Nguyen Thi Thuy, 48, was put to death for trafficking 1.4 kilograms (3 pounds) of heroin, the Capital Security newspaper reported. Last week, three other people were executed for murder and fraud in Hanoi. International human rights groups have criticized Vietnam for its high rate of executions. The government has responded by cutting the number of capital offenses to 29 and is considering eliminating more. About 100 people are sentenced to death each year in Vietnam where for crimes ranging from fraud to treason.