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Community of Sant'Egidio
Friends in the World

AIDS fight in Mozambique


Maputo (Mozambique)
The Activities of the Molecular Biology Laboratory 
Coming back from the Training Course they followed in Italy, the Mozambican technicians resumed their activities in the Molecular Biology Laboratory, to monitor the anti-AIDS therapy.

The Training Course that the technicians of the Molecular Biology Laboratory of the Maputo Hospital followed in Italy gave impulse to the activities of diagnose and monitoring of the anti-AIDS therapy recently introduced in the country by the program of the Community to fight AIDS.

"We have already observed the first signs of improvement in the patients we treated" writes us from Mozambique Giuseppe Liotta, one of the doctors involved in the program. "We wait for the confirmation from the laboratory analyses that, for the first time, will be made directly by the Mozambican staff". Beside the clinical improvement, another important aspect is that the possibility of being treated leads the ill people not to conceal any more their condition but to look for salvation in the treatments.

"Since now - dr. Liotta continues - we have been looking for the AIDS affected people in those patients who did not find relief in the therapy of other diseases, like tuberculosis or other. We had to do so, because the lack of treatment killed the patients' hope. Nobody admitted a disease that was like a sentence to death. Bot in the last weeks, some people spontaneously came up here to ask for the analyses. This is an important sign and we were struck that this happened so early.

This laboratory will help us to fight not only the AIDS virus but also another disease that condemns many people: resignation".