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UNIDEA, Unicredit Foundation

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Community of Sant'Egidio
Friends in the world

DREAM project
to Treat AIDS in Africa


12-13 MAY 2004
InternaTional CONFERENCE

a Model to fight against AIDS in Africa

Press Release


On May 13th, at 10.30, in the headquarter of the Community of Sant'Egidio, the Ministers of Health and Representatives of Governments of African countries taking part in Rome in the International Conference sign an Appeal to the Leaders of the economically most developed countries, for urgent initiatives in favor of the african continent.

Sant'Egidio, 13 MAY 2004

The appeal was signed by the representatives of the governments of  IVory Coast, ethiopia, guinea bissau, guinea conakry, Liberia, malawi, Mozambique, central african rep. ,  senegal, Sudan, tanzania, togo. 

The HIV/AIDS pandemic silently threatens Africa and most of the world. To tackle and defeat HIV/AIDS is a priority for those who care for the future of the planet.

For this reason, as Ministers of Health, experts, men and women working for justice and the defence of human dignity, gathered in Rome upon the invitation of the Community of Sant'Egidio, we address all workers, international agencies and leaders of the economically most developed countries, in the name of our peoples and our own consciences, to ask for the fight against HIV/AIDS to become an immediate choice and a true commitment.

HIV/AIDS affects the whole planet, but today 70 per cent of its victims are born and die in Africa. The virus has already affected 30 million men, women and children: they are bound to increase if left without treatment and without those financial, scientific and human resources required for the necessary prevention and therapy.

The power of numbers and the suffering of many men and women in sub-Saharan Africa show how prevention measures, if separated from the therapy, are not sufficient to stop a pandemic that costs as much as a world war in terms of human lives lost.

HIV/AIDS multiplies poverty. Not only does it humiliate and shorten a person's life, but it also shuts the door to hope and to the future, crushing the lives of young men and women and adults alike, swallowing the knowledge and professionalism, which are the vital roots of any true future.

Together with the rest of the world, we hope that this disease will be defeated by a vaccine, like many others. But it could be too late for Africa. The therapy that allows people to coexist with the virus, and to live well too, is available, but only to the rich world. The right to live, however, cannot depend on geography.

The right to the therapy is a new human right; it is the human right that Africa is a reminder of to luckier countries. For this reason, we ask the most developed countries in the world, and those people who bear the power to make decisions in this field, for help, to offer access as soon as possible in Africa to the therapy, with those high standards of quality that this challenge requires.

We ask for the costs of antiretroviral drugs and whatever else is necessary to diagnose and treat the disease to be decreased to costs compatible with the limited resources of our countries.
We ask the most developed countries to mobilize human and economical resources truly capable of stopping this slaughter. We ask for this in the name of that human right called the right to be treated. We ask for this in the name of an intelligent globalisation, capable of globalising solidarity as well.

We offer every government, every company, every man and every woman of good will a new alliance to fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa. For a future with a human face. For everybody.