Christmas 2017
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In this time of Christmas many lights shine, we see it in our cities. I wish we could turn on an extra light this year, the light of the visit...

...Yes, because Christmas speaks to us of the visit, of the angel to Mary who announces that Jesus would be born, of the shepherds at the grotto of Bethlehem, of the Magi to the child Jesus. And then who could we visit on this Christmas, we can visit the elderly, who have no one, those who are sick, those who lives on the street, those who are in prison, those who are in the places of neglect.
The joy of Christmas is the joy of a visit, the one we receive, because Jesus comes into the world, and the one each of us can give, because the visit is a joy and a light that remain.
Christmas then tells us about a child with his mother and father who have not found a place, and so we want to think of all those who do not have a place in our cities, especially those who have lost their homes, those who live on the streets , to those who have been sent out from their homes, to the elderly in nursing homes, in the many places of solitude, to the refugees forced to leave their homes.
On this Christmas we think particularly of the Rohingya, thousands and thousands of children, women, men, who have left their country and are today refugees in Bangladesh.
On this Christmas many places in the Community, starting from the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere, in every city of Italy and the world, will be visited by many people who are our friends all year round, they are the more fragile, the more vulnerable people, those who are alone, who have no one, and who do not have a place to celebrate Christmas. This is why Christmas lunches are the place for everyday friendship, augmented and more joyful, brighter than everbecause it's Christmas.
We would like this in Christmas to be the joy of the house that is not there for many people who have lost it for the most different reasons. Each of us can be part of that missing home, for the life of many people and because we can all feel at home at Christmas, and above all we receive the visit of Jesus who comes into the world to bring peace, to bring joy, to bring fraternity .
From Sant'Egidio to all, a wish for fraternity, joy and friendship

Marco Impagliazzo
President of the Community of Sant'Egidio