Hoping for a Better Future
Contrary to popular belief, living on the street is almost never by choice. Perhaps it is like a "fixed route" starting from a difficult personal story to which other elements are added: misfortunes, mistakes, illnesses and disappointments. But the most important element is being abandoned from the social services. In many cases this guilty carelessness leads to a sad end a story which was only "badly started".
The weight of this abandon is considered as a social condemnation and the fear of being newly disappointed by life makes it difficult to find an exit even if desperately searched. Behind their apparent refusal of help, it is hidden the fear of being deceived once more; moreover we must add to this many difficulties: the scarce privacy and strict timetables of the welcome centres, the fear of violence and quarrels or robberies; and also they often are not able to live with other people after many years of isolation.
The above is not a mark of a desire for independence but is a symptom of a great unhappiness and resignation. There is a great demand for a different future which finds no solution, but which is the right of everyone, together with respect, understanding, material help where everyone deserves to be, despite his or her condition, however difficult.