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March 17 2009

During the flight to Cameroon, pope Benedict XVI underlines the importance of the commitment of the Community of Sant'Egidio to the fight against AIDS in Africa

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During the flight taking him to Cameroon, pope Benedict XVI, answering the questions of the journalists on the role of the Church in Africa facing the great challenges of the continent, among which the diffusion of AIDS, has affirmed that "the most effective reality, the most present and stronger one in the fight against AIDS is really the Catholic Church, with its structures, movements, communities.

I think - these were the words of the pope - of Sant'Egidio that does so much, visibly and invisibly, in the fight against AIDS, of the Camillians, of the sisters that help the sick people. I would say that one cannot overcome this problem of AIDS only with money - which is important - but if there is no soul, no people who know how to use it, (money) doesn't help".

"It is highly commendable - he added - that the patients of this country are treated for free".

The Community of Sant'Egidio, that has started free treatment centres in 10 african countries within its DREAM programme for fighting against AIDS , is running since the beginning of 2008 a centre in Dschang, in the West of the country, where a laboratory of molecular biology is active, together with activities of diagnosis, treatment, preventione of mother-to-child transmission, food support, Home based care, as well as training of specialised staff.

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Sunday of the Word of God, a celebration that puts Bible at center of liturgy and life

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Let's fill the gap with the poor: Sant'Egidio in Lilongwe renewes the commitment of the poorest in Malawi

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October 13 2016

A delegation of the Community of Sant'Egidio meets the President of the Central African Republic Touadéra

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Sant'Egidio in Nairobi to talk about peace, development and the right to care for all

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The DREAM Center in Blantyre dedicated to the memory of Elard Alumando

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June 8 2016

Sant'Egidio brings to the United Nations the DREAM of an Africa free from AIDS

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