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August 31 2012

The Community of Sant'Egidio remembers with affection Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini

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The Community of Sant'Egidio with feelings of sadness and affectionate gratitude reminds Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, his great witness as pastor and his love for the Word of God

The deep knowledge of the Scriptures, he preached in the seventies in the outskirts of Rome with Sant'Egidio when he was rector of the Gregorian University, his love for the weak and the poor, his passion for peace and dialogue, shared in many years of friendship, remain for all
as a precious heritage of his evangelical passion for the Church and for our time.

September 29 2017

Sunday of the Word of God, a celebration that puts Bible at center of liturgy and life

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May 26 2016

Sant'Egidio remembers with affection mons. Capovilla: he kept alive the memory of John XXIII and of the Council.

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March 12 2016

Three years with Pope Francis, to build bridges, not walls. The gift of a new missionary impulse.

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February 13 2016

The embrace between Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill in Cuba. Videos and insights

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January 29 2016

The Church of Mercy: bishops from all continents in an ecumenical meeting at Sant'Egidio

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February 6 2015

From the bishops gathered in Rome, an invocation of peace for all the countries and regions at war

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