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10 Mayis 2012

Catholics, Jews unite at Colosseum vs. attacks

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Catholics and Jews have gathered outside the Colosseum in Rome in a candlelit vigil to decry attacks on Christians in the world, especially in the Middle East and in Africa.

Italy's minister for international cooperation, Andrea Riccardi, says the attacks target Christians because they are "men of peace."

Riccardi contended Wednesday night that there is practically "religious purification" being waged in places against Christians. Joining Catholic figures at the ancient arena were Italian Jewish leaders in a show of solidarity.

29 Eylül 2017

Sunday of the Word of God, a celebration that puts Bible at center of liturgy and life

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25 Eylül 2017

The Spirit of Assisi in Nigeria: in Jos Christians and Muslims in dialogue to open new Paths of Peace

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1 Eylül 2017

September 1st, memory of Saint Egidio. The Community that took his name give thanks in every part of the world

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11 Haziran 2017

At a prayer at Old S.Patrick Cathedral Sant'Egidio remembers those who lost their life for guns in the US in 2017

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3 Mayis 2017

Nigeria: humanitarian aid to the women detained in Suleja Prison

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22 Nisan 2017

Pope Francis' prayer in memory of the martyrs of our time. Photogallery of the visit

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