Today's videos


Let us combine ecology and solidarity to counter the culture of waste and help many people.

What is eco-solidarity?

Eco-solidarity means combining ecology and solidarity. It is the commitment of Sant'Egidio in many fields: it means opposing the culture of discarding - both things and people - which increases inequality, exploits the planet and produces pollution, increases poverty.  Yet anything that is thrown away can become valuable in terms of eco-solidarity. Collect, select, recycle: are the words of eco-solidarity. 


How can you participate in the commitment of Sant'Egidio? 

The Community of Sant'Egidio's commitment to caring for the environment and eco-solidarity is expressed through many initiatives: responsible use of plastic; use of renewable energy in DREAM centres in Africa; solidarity organic gardens; recycling of basic necessities (in particular clothing, but also blankets, furniture etc.) in dedicated facilities in Rome and other cities. Donating and valuing used objects is a way to put solidarity into circulation and everyone can participate.


The Eco-Friendly City of Rome 

It is a large collection and distribution centre where goods and objects of all kinds (from clothes to furniture, blankets, old records) find a new value. You can donate and buy. FIND OUT MORE (IT)

Where: Via del Porto Fluviale, 2 Rome


Donations: Wednesday 4 to 7 pm and Saturday 9 am to 1 pm

Eco-friendly and Vintage Market: Thursday- Saturday and Sunday 4 to 7 pm

For the summer period the  Market will be open on the same days but with different opening hours: Thursday, Saturday and Sunday from 5  to 8 pm


The Youth for Peace ECO-LAB 

The ECO-LAB for Peace, is a centre where Youth for Peace (young people between 14 and 25 years old) organise and sort different genres (clothing, educational material etc.) to be used for humanitarian aid, both in Italy and in Ukraine.

It is in Rome, Via Bellani, 41.

Young people wishing to get in touch wa: +393348135420


Eco-solidarity centres in Italy and around the world

Eco- solidarity centres have been opened also in other cities including Genoa, Warsaw, Antwerp. Click HERE for opening hours and contacts



Other initiatives:

Re-play market: recycling and resale of used toys

Vintage markets: sale of vintage clothing and objects

Solidarity gardens: growing vegetables and fruit for people in need

Solar panels: production of renewable energy

Plastic Free certificate 


Places of eco-solidarity in the world

Support Sant'Egidio

Every day on the side of the poor, with voluntary and free commitment. Do you want to help us?