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ZIMBABWE:Mugabe threatens death sentence for anti-government plotters

Robert Mugabe is set to introduce the death sentence for anyone convicted of trying to overthrow the government in Zimbabwe.

It will be part of severe new legislation to curb subversion.

The government said the new bill would also ban courts from granting bail to suspects in allegedly politically motivated crimes ranging from murder to car theft.

The Herald reports copies of the proposed legislation have not yet been made public, but opposition officials say it appears to be part of a government plan to intimidate critics before next year's scheduled presidential elections.

President Mugabe faces a tight race against Morgan Tsvangiari, whose ruling party, the Movement for Democratic Change, is running on a platform of accountable government and has widespread support in the cities.

A mass demonstration is expected by civil rights organisations protesting against proposed changes to the election law that could limit voting rights and a government decision to ban international election monitors.