Comunità di S.Egidio

La Comunit� di Sant'Egidio e la Pace

 Mozambique : the Process of Peace



Declaration on the Guiding Principles
for Humanitarian Assistance

On 16 July 1992, the delegation of the Government of the Republic of Mozambique, headed by Armando Em�lio Guebuza, Minister of Transport and Communications, and the delegation of Renamo, headed by Raul Manuel Domingos, Chief of the Organisation Department, in the presence of the mediators, of observers and of representatives of international organisations, agreed to adopt the following Declaration:

Considering that, for the population, the consequences of the armed conflict have been seriously aggravated by the worst drought in 50 years in the country and the region,

Determined to mobilise every resource to alleviate starvation and prevent deaths in Mozambique,

While pursuing efforts to reach a total peace agreement in Mozambique as soon as possible,

Reaffirming the principles for humanitarian assistance contained in resolution 46/182 of the United Nations General Assembly,

Reaffirming the understanding reached in December 1990 between the Government, Renamo and the International Committee of the Red Cross on the principles of free movement of populations and assistance for all Mozambicans wherever they might be,

I. The Government and Renamo solemnly agree and undertake to observe the following guiding principles for humanitarian assistance:

(a) Assistance shall go to all affected Mozambicans, freely and without discrimination;

(b) Freedom of movement and respect shall be guaranteed for persons and means which, under the flag of the United Nations or of ICRC, are engaged in humanitarian actions and are not accompanied by military escorts;

(c) The freedom and neutrality of humanitarian assistance shall be recognised and respected;

(d) Access shall be permitted to the entire affected population, using all means of transport;

(e) The use of all means for the rapid, expeditious distribution of humanitarian assistance shall be permitted and facilitated;

(f) Freedom of movement shall be guaranteed for all personnel who, under United Nations/ICRC auspices, are responsible for identifying populations in need, priority areas, means of transport and access routes and for supervising the distribution of assistance;

(g) Persons shall be allowed freedom of movement to enable them to have full access to humanitarian assistance.

II. In order to provide relief in situations of extreme urgency, which already exist in the country, the parties agree to:

(a) Immediately permit and facilitate air traffic to all points in the country, for transporting humanitarian assistance and whatever personnel is considered necessary and viable;

(b) To the same end, to permit and facilitate the immediate use and rehabilitation, where necessary, of other access routes to affected populations, including routes coming from neighbouring countries, as agreed to by the parties and communicated by the committee referred to in paragraph V of this Declaration.

III. In addition, the Government and Renamo will continue their negotiations with a view to reaching, as soon as possible, an agreement on the opening of roads and the removal of all obstacles which might prevent the distribution of humanitarian assistance.

IV. The Government and Renamo undertake not to derive military advantages from humanitarian assistance operations carried out under this Declaration.

V. Both parties agree that the co-ordination and supervision of all humanitarian assistance operations carried out under this Declaration shall be the responsibility of a committee presided over by the United Nations. This committee shall be made up of the mediators, the observers to the Rome negotiations and ICRC. The mediators will also have the task of verifying respect for this declaration and for bringing any complaints or protests to the negotiating table.

The committee will report to the parties, in due course, on the operational details.

VI. Both parties agree to participate and co-operate with the international community in Mozambique in formulating action plans, with a view to implementing such plans in accordance with this Declaration. The committee will co-ordinate such activities. To that end, Renamo will appoint its representative in the framework of and in accordance with the procedures of the COMIVE, who shall have the status provided for therein.

VII. Both parties undertake to comply strictly with the terms of this Declaration and agree that any violation substantiated by the committee may be communicated to the international community.

VIII. This Declaration shall be disseminated as widely as possible in Mozambique.


Done at Sant� Edigio, Rome, on 16 July 1992.


For the delegation of the Government of the Republic of Mozambique:
Armando Em�lio Guebuza

For the delegation of Renamo:
Raul Manuel Domingos

The mediators:
Mario Raffaelli, Jaime Gon�alves, Andrea Riccardi, Matteo Zuppi