Comunità  di S.Egidio

Sant'Egidio Newsletter
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Dear Friend,

the internet web site would like to be a way of sharing many aspects of the life of the Community of Sant�Egidio.

We have received many visits to the different pages and we recorded a significant interest to one or another aspect of the Community or to a considerable part of them. Many have started a dialogue with one or the other activity of the Community or with one of its dimensions. The site became a �square� where meetings between Sant�Egidio and many people from all over the world have taken place. This is something that made us all very happy.

One of part of the web site reports the most recent events, meetings and experiences of the Community all over the world. It is at the service of the fraternity of communities, spread in 60 countries of the world, that form Sant�Egidio. It is, however, also at the service of all those people who are interested in its life or who would like, in one way or another, to collaborate with us.

Another part, as you can see, contains, some paths of reflection and of explanation of the various dimensions and aspects of the Community to favour a more in depth understanding. 

These are all different paths where one can meet the men, the women and the friends of Sant�Egidio.
In order to facilitate this encounter we thought to make available a newsletter. The newsletter would report the news of the site and make it more readily accessible.

The Sant�Egidio Newsletter will have, at least for the beginning, a bimonthly periodicity, starting next October. Besides a short general part it will be divided in 5 sections: the News of the Community, with the press review; the Campaign for the moratorium of death penalty; Prayer; the news of the Movement of �The Friends� and of the other Movements, and finally information on the events and initiatives.

It is possible to choose to receive the whole newsletterer or any section you want and in what language, by selecting them from the menu at the end of the page that also gives the possibility of cancelling the registration.

Thank to all those who suggested us to open this new way of friendship and communication.

The Editors




The news on the activities and the initiatives of the Community of Sant�Egidio in the world with the articles from the press.

It is already three years that the Community of Sant�Egidio is engaged in a campaign for the world wide moratorium of executions and for the abolition of death penalty. More than 3.5 million signatures from 70 countries have been collected. Besides the update on the campaign there will be news regarding death penalty in the world together with the world press review

Prayer is the heart of the life of the Community of Sant�Egidio and it is its first work. At the end of the day, every community of Sant�Egidio, small or large it may be, gathers around the Lord to listen to His Word. Here one will be able to find the Calendar of the daily prayer, the hymns, the reading and the commentary. It will be available in PDF format for easy printing

�The Friends� is a movement of the Community of Sant�Egidio that counts more than 1000 people with mental handicap with their friends and families. They are the �Artists of friendship�. The �Voice� is a sort of online bulletin, that contains every week the profile of an artist, ideas, meaningful pictures and �The Sunday with Jesus�, images and intention of prayer from the passage of the Sunday liturgy. 

The section will contain information on the main events and appointments of the Community of the world. 




According to the Law n.62 March 7th 2001