VILLAGE The Eco-Solidarity Village is a space of solidarity in which attention to the
poor, to their needs and attention to the environment happily join together.
We deal with a
big centre located in Rome, near to the Ostiense Station, where used clothing, shoes,
blankets, toys and every kind of object that could be useful to those who find themselves
in difficulties are collected.
That which can
be recycled is distributed to the poor of Rome or sent abroad to people who have been
stricken by natural disasters, conflicts or other kinds of emergencies.
During the
early months of 2001, a shipping container - holding 4 tons of clothing, 500 pair of shoes
and school materials for 1000 children of the earthquake zone around San Salvador - left
the Eco-Solidarity Village. A truck carrying clothing, foodstuffs, educational material
destined for the people of Albania also left.