Comunità di S.Egidio



Serajevo (Bosnia)
A Meeting on Dialogue between Christian Churches and Islam
Two representatives of the Community of Sant'Egidio took part in the meeting "Christians and Muslims in Europe: Responsibilities and Religious Commitment in a Pluralist Society" from 12th to 16th September.



The meeting �Christians and Muslims in Europe: responsibilities and religious commitment in a pluralist society�, held in Sarajevo from 12th to 16th September, was jointly organised by the CCEE and the CEC. Nearly one hundred experts of the Islam-Christian dialogue, Catholics, Orthodox and Muslims, took part in it. Among the present personalities were H.Beatitude Anastas, the Archbishop of Tirana, and H.Em. Jeremias, President of the CEC, who participated in the Meeting �On the Frontiers of Dialogue� in Barcelona (LINK), H. Em. Ceric, Rais el Ulema of Bosnia Herzegovina, H.Em. Cardinal Vinko Puljic, the Archbishop of Sarajevo.

The Sant�Egidio Community was represented by don Vittorio Ianari and Claudio Betti.

On the second day of the meeting a joint press release on the terrorist attack of New York and Washington was issued.