Cities for Life
Cities against the Death Penalty


 Citt� per la vita
Citt� contro la pena di morte





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On November 30th 300 cities around the world will join the city of Rome in saying


 November 27th, 28th and 29th: public events and lighting up of symbolical monuments in every city 
Connection with Rome in the evening on Sunday, November 30th, during the final event at the Coliseum

Sentences to death, especially in Europe have luckily become a sad memory of the past: in the last thirty years most Countries around the world have started to abolish them or no longer make use of them.

The Death Penalty is a warning light of the level of barbarity present in a society: there is a close connection between the death penalty and war. On one side, war increases the risk of greater use of the death penalty (also by introducing special or military laws), on the other, the horrors of death and violence that take place in every war decrease the perception of the value of life and respect for human dignity.

It resembles torture and slavery, widely practised during the first millennium of human history, which were abolished during the second. We strongly believe that the third millennium may finally mark the end of the capital punishment on our planet.

For several years now, the Community of Sant�Egidio has focused a part of its international engagement on the fight against the death penalty: it promotes the Appeal for a Universal Moratorium which has gathered for than 5 million adhesions around the world in 150 countries. A united, interreligious and lay moral front against the death penalty was born worldwide.

In the second half of 2002, in agreement with all the world organisations working in the same direction (World Coalition Against the Death Penalty), Sant�Egidio launched the First International Day of Cities against the Death Penalty, on November 30th. The day was chosen because it reminds us of the first abolition of the capital punishment in the Grand Duchy of Tuscany on November 30th, 1786.

On November 30th this year more than 300 cities from different continents shall join together to say their no to the death penalty, by promoting a series of initiatives � on November 27th, 28th and 29th � and lighting up their symbolic monuments, they shall join the worldwide chain of �Cities for Life � Cities against the Death Penalty�. There will be a connection with Rome on the evening of November 30th, during the final demonstration starting at 7.00 p.m.


Copyright � 2001-2004  Comunit� di Sant'Egidio