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March 25 2016

Good Friday. Memorial of Jesus’ death on the cross.

printable version

April 8 2017

Holy Week and Easter of Resurrection 2017 with the Community of Sant'Egidio

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March 27 2016

Liturgy of the Resurrection of the Lord

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March 27 2016

An embrace of peace: some pictures of Passover from Africa to Asia, between friendship and mercy

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March 26 2016

Africa in the heart of the Holy Week, an interview with Marco Impagliazzo

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March 26 2016

Following the cross on the roads of the world to become a people of peace

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all the news
April 16 2017
Corriere della Sera

Il messaggio della Pasqua contro il mondo delle paure

April 14 2017
Giornale di Arona

Riscoprire il vero significato della Pasqua con i volontari della Comunità di Sant'Egidio

March 27 2016
Famiglia Cristiana

Gli inferni del mondo chiedono risurrezione

March 25 2016
Sette: Magazine del Corriere della Sera

Buone Pasque a tutti

February 9 2016
Vatican Insider

La gioia della Resurrezione

April 17 2014
Il Mattino

La Via Crucis e il cammino dei detenuti verso il riscatto

the entire press review
April 17 2017 | NAPLES, ITALY

Pasqua unitaria dei cristiani

October 10 2017

On 15th World Day Against the Death Penalty let us visit the poorest convicts in Africa

October 7 2015

The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty - XIII world day against the death penalty

October 5 2015

Fallece un preso japonés tras pasar 43 años en el corredor de la muerte

September 24 2015

Pope Francis calls on Congress to end the death penalty. "Every life is sacred", he said

March 12 2015

Arabie: trois hommes dont un Saoudien exécutés pour trafic de drogue

March 12 2015
Associated Press

Death penalty: a look at how some US states handle execution drug shortage

March 9 2015

Australia to restate opposition to death penalty as executions loom in Indonesia

March 9 2015

Le Pakistan repousse de facto l'exécution du meurtrier d'un critique de la loi sur le blasphème

March 9 2015

Peine de mort en Indonésie: la justice va étudier un appel des deux trafiquants australiens

February 28 2015

13 Ways Of Looking At The Death Penalty

February 15 2015

Archbishop Chaput applauds Penn. governor for halt to death penalty

December 11 2014

C’est désormais officiel: Madagascar vient d’abolir la peine de mort!

go to no death penalty


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