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NO alla Pena di Morte
Campagna Internazionale
Comunità di Sant'Egidio


Roma, 13 Maggio 2002

E' nata la

World Coalition Against the Death Penalty



Oggi, 13 maggio 2002 a Roma, presso la Comunit� di Sant'Egidio

Contestualmente agli impegni presi dai firmatari  della Dichiarazione Finale del primo congresso mondiale contro la pena di morte tenutosi a Strasburgo dal 21 al 23 giugno 2001, al fine di portare a maturazione il processo di convergenza internazionale per la difesa dei diritti umani, in particolare per giungere alla abolizione universale della pena di morte e per l'arresto immediato di ogni esecuzione dei condannati a morte nel mondo, le associazioni convenute hanno sottoscritto la nascita della:

coalizione mondiale contro la pena di morte e chiamano gli abolizionisti di tutto il mondo ad aggiungersi a questo movimento internazionale. 

Aujourd'hui, lundi 13 mai 2002, � Rome,

Conform�ment aux engagements pris par les signataires de la D�claration finale du premier congr�s mondial contre la peine de mort tenue � Strasbourg du 21 au 23 juin 2001, afin de porter � maturation le processus de convergence internationale pour la d�fense des droits humains, en particulier pour parvenir � l'abolition universelle de la peine de mort et � l'arr�t imm�diat de toute ex�cution de condamn�s � mort dans le monde, les associations indiqu�es ci-dessous souscrivent � :

la naissance de la coalition mondiale contre la peine de mort et appellent les abolitionnistes du monde entier � rejoindre ce mouvement international

Today, monday 13 may 2002, in Rome,

According to the undertakings made by the signatories of the Final Declaration of the first world congress against the death penalty held in Strasbourg, from 21 to 23 june 2001, in order to bring the ripening of the process of international convergence toward the defense of human rights, in particular to achieve the universal abolition  of the death penalty and the immediate halt of all executions of death row inmates in the world, associations listed below subscribe to :

the launching of the world coalition against the death penalty and call on all abolitionist campaigners worldwide to join this international mouvement.

  • Ensemble Contre la Peine de Mort

  • Comunit� di Sant�Egidio

  • FIDH

  • F�d�ration internationale de l�Action des chr�tiens contre la torture et pour l'abolition de la peinede mort

  • National Coalition Against the Death Penalty (USA)

  • Forum 90 (Japon)

  • Conf�d�ration Kurde d�Europe

  • ACAT � Vlaanderen (Belgique)

  • CURE � Missouri (USA)

  • Nessuno Tocchi Caino

  • Comitato �3 LUGLIO 1849� (Italie)

  • Rocco Barnabei Foundation (Italie)

  • Italian Coalition Against Death Penalty (Italie)

  • Regione Toscana (Italie)

  • Mouvement contre le Racisme et pour l�Amiti� entre les Peuples (France)

  • Barreau de Paris (France)

  • Ligue des droits de l�homme (France)

  • Mothers Against Death Penalty (Ouzbekistan)

  • AMICUS  (Grande Bretagne)

  • Journey of Hope (USA)

  • Comitato Paul Rougeau (Italie)

  • Red. Religion Kirche und Gesellschaft (Allemagne)

Si attende per il mese di giugno la formalizzazione di Amnesty International alla partecipazione alla Coalizione.

Il Consiglio Generale di Is�re e della Minucipalit� di Grenoble, presenti a Roma per la riunione si pronunciano ulteriormente alla partecipazione alla Coalizione.

Une d�cision formelle d�Amnesty International sur sa participation � la coalition est attendue pour juin.

Le Conseil G�n�ral de l �Is�re et la Mairie de Grenoble, pr�sents � Rome pour cette r�union, se prononceront ult�rieurement sur leur participation � la coalition.

A formal decision by Amnesty Internationa on joining the Coalition is expected in June.

The Conseil G�n�ral de l �Is�re and the City Council of Grenoble, present in Rome for the meeting, will decide later their participation to the Coalition.



Message from Mary Robinson

United Nations High Commissioner for human Rights  on the occasion of the launch of the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty

Rome, 13 May 2002

  The launch ofthe World Coalition Against the Death Penalty is an important milestone in the continuing international campaign aimed at limiting and, one day, eliminating the use of the death penalty everywhere in the world. I commend the organizers for lbs timely initiative which continns that the trend towards banning capital punishment under international law is gaining strength and momentum.


 More than half of the nations of the world no longer retain the death penalty in law or in practice. Each year, more countries are restricting the number of offences punishable by death or abolishing the death penalty altogether. At the same time, it is a sad fact that a number of States have increased the use of the death penalty or resumed executions after a period of de facto moratorium. While working towards the ultimate goal a universal ban on capital punishment we must also ensure that the existing limitations and restrictions on the use of the death penalty are fully respected without exception or discrimination by those who still retain this practice.


 The adoption of several key international human rights instruments further underlines the trend towards universal abolition. The Second Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, adopted in 1989, has now been ratified by 47 countries. At the region level both the European and the American conventions on human rights have specfal protocols aimed at abolishing the death penalty.


Over the years, various United Nations bodies have reaffirmed the desirability of the total abolition of capital punishment. At its recent session, the United Nations Commission on Human Rights passcd for the sixth consecutive year a resolution calling for restrictions or. the use of the death penalty. The Commission urged all States that still maintain the death penalty LO establish a moratorium on executions, with a view to completely abolishing the death penalty. The resolution also called on retentionist States to comply filly with their obligations under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child with regard to the death penalty.


I have on several occasions expressed my particular opposition to the use of the death penalty against juvenile offenders and persons suffering from mental illness or handicap. The overwhelming international consensus, expressed through the Convention on the Rights of the Child, is very clear on this issue: capital punishment shall not be imposed for offences committed by persons below eighteen years of age.


As High Commissioner for Unman Rights, I am entrusted with the mandate of x orking for the universal en of human rights for all, For this reason I fully support national and international initiatives aimed at the universal abolition of capital punishment. The launch of the World Campaign Against the Death Penalty gives me new hope that this goal is now within teach