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Walking, working, playing music, helping...being happy!
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"The Friends"

The inauguration of &quotThe Friends"
Rome march 21st, 1999
The inauguration of "The Friends"

“The friends” are 5 years old!

Since the 21st of March 1999, when more than 1.000 of disabled and non disabled people gathered with “great wish to change the world and celebrate together”, many things have happened. This path, started off from Roma, and then spread out to include other cities like Naples , Florence , Genoa , Novara ... and others in Europe .

In 2002 The friends published Jesus as a friend a book that speaks about the path of catechesis and Christian initiation with the Community of SantEgidio, which has gone on for 15 years. To launch the book, weve been travelling all around Italy and organized more than 30 public round tables where university professors, bishops, experts and disabled people, took part in. All had the chance to share their ideas about faith and disabilities.

The conference in Genova
The conference
in Genova

The Friends at European ParliamentThe Friends at European Parliament

In September 2003 the exhibition of paintings Down with Grey!, on the occasion of the European year of People with disabilities, was shown in the European Parliament of Strasbourg.



From Rome and the other cities where “the friends” live, a “movement” started off. It involves people of different nations and continents. “The Friends are committed to the distant adoptions. They have adopted more than 30 boys and girls in Madagascar .



The Friends during the walk of the 1 st of January

The Friends are for peace and support the Community of St.Egidio's effort for peace. Each year they take part in the walk of the 1 st of January, knowing that war is the mother of all poverties.

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