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Dankliturgie bij de 50e verjaardag van de Gemeenschap van Sant'Egidio

10 Februari om 17.30 uur in de Basiliek Sint-Jan van Lateranen

Over enkele dagen de derde missie van Sant'Egidio voor de Rohingya vluchtelingen

'VREDE IN ALLE LANDEN': 1 januari, vredesmars voor een wereld die in staat is te verwelkomen en integreren

Op de eerste dag van het nieuwe jaar zijn er manifestaties op alle continenten om de boodschap van paus Franciscus te ondersteunen

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Osman Muhammad Fathi

Institute for the Study of Islam in the Contemporary World, USA

University professor of Islam Studies, he has taught in various universities of the world (Al-Azhar in Egypt, Houran University in Algeria, Ibn Saud University in Saudi Arabia, International Islamic University in Malaysia, Temple University in USC, Georgetown University in the United states). He is the author of numerous studies on the contemporary Muslim world, between which Islamic thought and change, Figli di Adamo: una prospettiva islamica sul pluralismo, Concetti del Corano. He was also editor-in-chief of a London-based journal, Arabia: The Islamic World Review (1981-87).
Currently he offers his collaboration to the Institute of the Study of the role of Islam in the contemporary world in Los Angeles.




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