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Let us help Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh

The Community of Sant'Egidio launches a fundraising campaign to send humanitarian aid to the refugee camps in Bangladesh, in collaboration with the local Church

Christmas Lunch with the poor: let's prepare a table table that reaches the whole world

The book "The Christmas Lunch" available online for free. DOWNLOAD! And prepare Christmas with the poor

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September 9 2012 17:00 | Skenderjia, Main Hall

Opening Speech of Mustafa Ceric

Mustafa Ceric

President of the World Bosniak Congress, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Speech By Raisu-l-ulama Mustafa Ceric, Ph.D.Grand Mufti of Bosnia


Eminencies, Excelencies, Brothers and Sisters, Dear Friends,


Dobrdošli, أهلا و سهلا , Hoşgeldiniz and Welcome to Sarajevo, the city of peace, the city of many faiths and cultures, the city of many good people, the city of many memories, the city of many historic events.    Indeed, this International Meeting for Peace will be recorded as one of the most important Sarajevo events in recent history.


It is, therefore, my honor to greet you all on behalf of all the people of good will of Sarajevo and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

 Also, it is my pleasure to express thanks on behalf of all you, who have come here from all over the world, to the Community of Sant'Egidio for its tireless effort in promoting peace around the world.


 Our special gratitude goes to the Community of Sant'Egidio for choosing Sarajevo to be the world city of peace this year. We remember the twentieth anniversary of its besiege. Eleven thousands Sarajevo citizens of different faiths and nationalities of whom one thousand were children have been killed as a result of four years besiege and shelling.


 These innocent Sarajevo victims deserve our respect and their relatives deserve our condolences. But more than that, they deserve our sincere commitment to truth, justice, peace and reconciliation; they deserve our honest oath to God and humanity that we will do whatever we can so that never again it happens to anyone what has happened here.


 Eminences, Excellences, Brothers and Sisters, Dear Friends,


 Your coming to Sarajevo which is considered to be the second Jerusalem in the world and the first Jerusalem in Europe to celebrate peace is your best gift you can give to the world peace.


We should not forget that 2014 will be the one hundredth anniversary of the First World War that started here in Sarajevo. This historical fact makes this city to the front of world peace-war choice. The international meeting for peace this year is a clear message to the whole world that our choice is peace, not war; that our option is security, not terrorism; that our right is freedom and dignity; and that our hearts and minds are of this sincere prayer:      

 Our Lord, if we sin, give us the strength of Adam's repentance!


 If disaster befalls us, teach us how to build Noah’s Ark!


 If despair darkens us, enlighten us with Abraham's honest faith!


 If we are threatened by a tyrant, empower us with Moses’ courage!


 If we are offered hatred, save us with Jesus' love!


 If we are expelled from our homes, strengthen us with Mohammed's desire to return! 


 Our Lord, we ask you to unite our hearts in humanity!


Our Lord, we ask you to strengthen our steps towards truth and justice!


Our Lord, we ask you to unite our will towards peace and security! 


Message of His Holiness Benedict XVI
Benedict XVI

Programme in English


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Sarajevo 2012