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February 5 2015

Bishops from around the world with Sant'Egidio thank in prayer for the beatification of mons. Romero

Father Jesus Delgado, who was his secretary, expressed his emotion and the joy of all the people of El Salvador

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"There is a criterion to know if God is near or far from us: anyone who cares about the hungry, the naked, the poor, the disappeared, the tortured, the imprisoned, about all this suffering flesh, is near God".

It was with Mons. Óscar Arnulfo Romero’s words that the homily was opened by Father Jesús Delgado, who was his secretary and, in recent years, has tirelessly kept the memory of the martyr bishop, supported, as he himself wanted to remember, by the Community of Sant'Egidio and mons. Vincenzo Paglia, now president of the Pontifical Council for the Family, postulator of the cause of beatification.

A joyful prayer, in which he participated, as well as a numerous people, even a hundred bishops from all over the world, friends of Sant'Egidio, gathered in these days in Rome for the conference "A prophetic people for a new humanism".

April 22 2017

Pope Francis' prayer in memory of the martyrs of our time. Photogallery of the visit

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April 22 2017

Pope Francis in the basilica St. Bartholomew prays with the Community of Sant'Egidio in memory of the New Martyrs

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April 19 2017

Pope Francis in prayer with the New Martyrs in the basilica of St. Bartholomew on the next April 22

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September 15 2016

The breviary of Fr. Jacques Hamel to be kept in St. Bartholomew in Rome among the memories of the martyrs of our time

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May 12 2016

The memory of martyrs before the cross broken by bombs

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March 24 2016

Holy Thursday. Memorial of the Last Supper and of the Foot Washing

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February 2 2018
Roma sette

A San Bartolomeo all’Isola le memorie dei pallottini assassinati in Argentina nel ’76

November 27 2017

Sant’Egidio: veglia di preghiera a San Bartolomeo per suor Veronika Theresia

September 12 2017
Radio Vaticana

Card. Rosa Chavez: mons. Romero santo, se il Salvador lo invocherà

August 10 2017
Famiglia Cristiana

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August 2 2017

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July 26 2017

Francesco: padre Jacques fa parte dei martiri

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Omelia di S.E. Paul R. Gallagher per la commemorazione dei martiri contemporanei

Lista martiri ricordati alla veglia di preghiera della settimana Santa 2015

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