In recent days, Andrea Riccardi gave two lectures at the Argentinian Catholic University, where in 2006 he had received the honorary degree at the hands of then Cardinal Bergoglio.
At the invitation of the current rector, Mons. Victor Fernandez, Riccardi spoke about the contribution of the Church in society and the role of lay people in public life, as part of a national conference of Catholic university lecturers from the country.
The visit to Buenos Aires was also the occasion of several meetings with the Community of Sant'Egidio of Argentina and with the poor of whom she has been a friend for many years.

The elderly of Marin Nursing Home, which despite its location in an affluent neighborhood, San Isidro, sees inside it many situations of isolation and poverty.
The conversation with the elderly - who are the mirror of Argentinian society, where many different cultures and origins have merged - was "multilingual": from the French of Little Sister Angela, a friend of Petite Soeur Magdeleine, to the educated Italian of the Venetian female musician that plays the organ, or the lady that left her Viareggio to land in Argentina after a fortuitous journey even through Eritrea, to the Spanish of Father Luis, who has been a parish priest in the area for many years and is now hospitalised in the nursing home.