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April 18 2016 | ROME, ITALY

The welcome, language, integration for the Syrian refugees who are guests of Pope Francis

Far from the horrors of war, a new life begins. Nour: we hope that the gesture of the Pope changes public opinion. See the video

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 Three Syrian families, twelve people, half of whom are children: they left Syria when the war came home. A long and dangerous journey then took them to Turkey and Greece. Two days ago, on Saturday 16 April, their lives changed. These are the twelve Syrian refugees that Pope Francis has wanted to bring with him to Rome, returning from Lesbos. The guests of the Pope are invited by the Community of Sant'Egidio, honoured to be able to offer its cooperation in what Andrea Riccardi defined as a gesture of "concrete humanity" of the Pope.  

 A new life has begun for Hasan and Nour, Ramy and Suhila, Osama and Wafa, and their children, a great desire to visit Rome, but also to communicate: since the first day, they have followed the courses of the Italian language school of the Community, where they were greeted by students from various continents.

 You will find below a press review with photos, videos, articles and more information about their history.



 Pope's refugee families settle into Roman life » (AFP)


 Syrian refugee Pope took to Rome 'overwhelmed' » (ITV)



Pope's refugee families settle into Roman life, praise Francis as 'angel who saved us' ( WORLD ) 



Cous cous and falafel: Omar (6) begins new life in Rome » (THE IRISH TIMES)


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