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April 8 2017

Holy Week and Easter of Resurrection 2017 with the Community of Sant'Egidio

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Liturgia delle Palme April 9 2017

Palm Sunday

April 11 2017

Memory of the Martyrs of our Time

April 13 2017

Memory of the Last Supper April 14 2017

Good Friday
Memorial of Jesus’ death on the cross.

March 27 2016

Liturgy of the Resurrection of the Lord

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March 27 2016

An embrace of peace: some pictures of Passover from Africa to Asia, between friendship and mercy

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March 26 2016

Africa in the heart of the Holy Week, an interview with Marco Impagliazzo

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March 26 2016

Following the cross on the roads of the world to become a people of peace

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March 25 2016

Good Friday. Memorial of Jesus’ death on the cross.

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all the news
April 16 2017
Corriere della Sera

Il messaggio della Pasqua contro il mondo delle paure

April 14 2017
Giornale di Arona

Riscoprire il vero significato della Pasqua con i volontari della Comunità di Sant'Egidio

March 27 2016
Famiglia Cristiana

Gli inferni del mondo chiedono risurrezione

March 25 2016
Sette: Magazine del Corriere della Sera

Buone Pasque a tutti

February 9 2016
Vatican Insider

La gioia della Resurrezione

March 27 2013
Il Tempo

L'esercito dei nuovi poveri fa festa alle mense solidali

the entire press review
April 17 2017 | NAPLES, ITALY

Pasqua unitaria dei cristiani



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