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October 5 2017

October 5th, World Teachers' Day 2017: Let everyone go to school... of language, culture, and peace!

And thanks to all those who school freely and willingly the children, immigrants, Roma people, everywhere in the world.

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Today the World Teachers' Day is celebrated all over the world. It is a way to remind everyone of the importance of school.

Today, we want to thank all those who help in the field of education with the Community of Sant'Egidio in more than 70 countries in the world: they do it freely, willingly, generously, allowing generations of children to grow with a basic education, helping immigrants integrate into European countries, encouraging Roma schooling, an issue still unresolved in so many countries like Italy.

Since the beginning, the Community of Sant'Egidio "makes school": hundreds of thousands of children from the peripheries of every continent attend the Schools of Peace. A book about this extraordinary experience has just been published, it's "At the School of Peace".

But the educational commitment of Sant'Egidio is not only aimed to the youth. The Schools of Language and Culture (Italian, German, Spanish, English, etc.) are a place of education and integration, so precious in our multicultural societies.

Thanks to all the teachers of every latitude, and good job!

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