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October 5 2017


Sant'Egidio in USA calls for a long-term campaign for a violence-free America

After the violent murders in Las Vegas

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We of the Community of Sant’Egidio of the United States express our deep sorrow for today’s tragic attack in Las Vegas while joining in sympathy and prayer for the families and friends of all victims.

At the same time, we call for a long-term campaign for a violence-free America. In a country where so many are murdered violently, we join with every person of good will to stand before this violence with a firmness and determination to end it.
We join the voices of many saying: “No to Violent Deaths” and “Solidarity for Life.” In prayer and service to the poor, we work for peace not only in distant lands but here at home.

This week prayer services in all of our communities in the U.S. — New York, Boston, Washington DC, South Bend, Minneapolis, Oxford, Kingsbridge and Berkeley — will be held to stand together for peace and reconciliation in our society.

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