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November 25 2017

Thanksgiving with the poor in New York

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For the traditional celebration of Thanksgiving the Community of Sant’Egidio in New York gathered with many friends who live on the street.

It was large “table of brotherhood” without divisions or distance.

Together with many guests, the Consul General of Italy Genuardi and Ambassador Lamabertini enjoyed the typical turkey, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie and … more.

October 19 2017

THANKS to all those who signed the appeal for Anthony Shore: his execution was stopped tonight. Let's keep signing the appeal

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October 5 2017

Sant'Egidio in USA calls for a long-term campaign for a violence-free America

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August 1 2017

The Saturday night of Pretoria's Sant'Egidio youth with the poor: story of a contagious solidarity

IT | EN | FR | ID
July 10 2017

Summer of solidarity: Moscow's elderly in vacation with homeless friends. WATCH THE PHOTOGALLERY

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June 11 2017

At a prayer at Old S.Patrick Cathedral Sant'Egidio remembers those who lost their life for guns in the US in 2017

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all the news
February 26 2018

Emergenza freddo. Rifugi e parrocchie aperte ai senza dimora

February 26 2018

Emergenza freddo. Rifugi e parrocchie aperte ai senza dimora

February 24 2018
La Repubblica - Ed. Roma

Roma, Burian: arriva il gelo dalla Siberia. "Subito più letti per i clochard”

February 24 2018
Vatican Insider

Maltempo, Sant’Egidio: non lasciamo soli i senza dimora

February 24 2018
Il Sole 24 ore

Emergenza freddo, S. Egidio: non lasciamo soli i senza dimora

February 24 2018

A spasso per Milano aiutando l'Africa

the entire press review
January 7 2018

Per vincere l'isolamento di chi vive per la strada, domenica 7 gennaio a Roma pranzo e tombolata di solidarietà


La guida "Dove mangiare, dormire, lavarsi a Napoli e in Campania" 2016

Sintesi, Rapporti, Numeri e dati sulle persone senza dimora a Roma nel 2015

Le persone senza dimora a Roma

Guida DOVE Mangiare, dormire, lavarsi - Padova 2014

La GUIDA "DOVE mangiare, dormire, lavarsi" 2014

Lettera ai consiglieri comunali di Budapest in difesa dei senza fissa dimora

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