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August 3 2010

Budapest (Hungary): Ecumenical prayer in memory of a murdered rom woman, on the anniversary of Holocaust of the Hungarian gypsies

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One year ago, over the night between 2nd and 3rd August, in Kisléta (Hungary) a woman of Rom origins, Mária Balog , was murdered by rifle shots in her house, and her daughter seriously injured. 

This crime was only the last one of a series of murders against Hungarian citizens of Rom origins, among those a 4 years old boy.

Sixty five years ago, in the 1944, over the same night, almost 3,000 among Rom and Sinti people were assassinated in Auschwitz.

Last Sunday 1st August, he Community of Sant’Egidio gathered in the Church of Saint Francis of Assisi in Bakáts tér, Budapest to celebrate an ecumenical prayer to remember the first anniversary of the murder of Kisléta and of the pharrajimos, i.e. the rom holocaust in Hungarian.

A number of representants contributed during the prayer: Péter Szőke, in representation of the Community of Sant’Egidio, Zoltán Balog, reformed Pastor, undersecretary of State for social inclusion; Imre Szebik, emeritus Luteran Bishop; mons. János Székely, auxiliary Catholic Bishop of Budapest, responsible for the pastoral of rom in the Hungarian Episcopal Conference.

All of them underlined in their contribution the relevance of praying to build a common future where the beauty and the reasonability of living together among Hungarian, either Gypsies or not.


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