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September 2 2011 | MUNICH, GERMANY

Press Release: 11 September 2001 / 11 September 2011. In Múnich, in connection with Ground Zero in New York, a global memory that collects the major world religions.

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The leaders of all major world religions, on Sunday, 11 September 2011, at 14.46 (8:46 in New York, time of the attack to the Twin Towers) will meet in Múnich in Marstallplatz, in video connection with Ground Zero, for the Ceremony in memory of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001. The initiative has been taken bt the Community of Sant'Egidio and the Archdiocese of Múnich-Freising.

The ceremony will see the participation of the President of the Federal Republic of Germany, Christian Wulff.

This is the opening event of the World Meeting "Bound to Live Together. Religions and Cultures in Dialogue" to be held in Múnich from 11th to 13th September, sponsored by the Community of Sant'Egidio and the German Archdiocese. GO TO THE PROGRAM

Ten years from 11 September 2001 and 25 years from the Meeting of Prayer for Peace held in Assisi in 1986, the "spirit of Assisi" comes back in Germany.

At close range, and in preparation for the 25th anniversary of the historic meeting of Assisi, that sees Pope Benedict XVI inviting the leaders of major world religions for a great day in October, the Meeting takes place in a symbolic place of crossroads for European history.


To follow the event journalists must be accredited.

The Community of Sant'Egidio is at disposal for any additional enquiries to plan interviews and to have further insights.

ALL journalists, reporters, radio and television operators should send the request for accreditation for the event by September 7th, 2011 to the Press Office of the Community of Sant'Egidio via e-mail: [email protected]

Contact: Rinaldo Piazzoni (Mob. 39 335.8381334), Francesco Dante (Mob. 39 339.3324274, Paolo Ciani (Mob. 39 338.7870605), Susanne Buhl (Mob. 49172 6619828).

The documents to be provided to register are:

1) Accreditation request via e-mail from the newspaper, signed by the director or a manager.

2) Number of professional documents and passport (or identity card).

3) 1 photograph, passport size (to be sent by e-mail preferably)

4) A reference to communicate ordinary and extraordinary news about the event.

The accreditation badges can be collected directly in Múnich, from 8 September 2011, at the Press Room of the International Meeting, at 1, Maxburgstraße, showing the original letter of accreditation, the professional and personal documents and two photographs (if not already sent).

Piazza di S.Egidio 3/a – 00153 Roma - Tel 39.06585661  -  Fax 39.065883625   Email – [email protected]

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