Thousands of torches. Long black signboards with the names of the concentration and exterminatipon camps. They are held by men and women of all ages, background and origin: there are many young people, truly many, together with the "new italian" and the Roma people. A numerous and peaceful people gathered yesterday evening in Rome to proclaim its NO to any form of discrimination, racism and anti-semitism. Meaningfully they walked backwards on the path that the SS forced the Jewish people to take on October 16th 1943
The march ended at the Portico d'Ottavia at Largo 16 ottobre 1943. For the first time, on the stage, representatives of the Italian Government at its highest level: the Premier Mario Monti, Ministers Riccardi and Barca. The Jewish Community was represented by Renzo Gattegna, President of the Union of Jewish Communities of Italy, Riccardo Di Segni, Chief Rabbi of Rome, and Riccardo Pacifici, President of the Jewish Community of Rome.
"Remembering the Shoah also means to take a responsibility that is , first of all figthing any form of anti-semitism, but also work in culture, society and politics, so that in Italy all minorities may be protected and never discriminated" said Marco Impagliazzo, President of the Community of Sant'Egidio. READ ALL
This call to remember resounded in all the speeches up to the words of the President of the Council of Ministers who ended his speech with a meaningful exhortation: "Let us make our own the words of Primo Levi: those who do not remember Auschwitz are ready to do it again".
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