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June 25 2013 | BARCELONA, SPAIN

In the heart of Barcelona the memory of migrants who have never reached Europe

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Barcelona, a large multi-ethnic city, wanted to remember in the prayer "Dying of Hope" all migrants who have lost their lives in the terrible journeys to Europe.

Many people, associations, groups and young immigrantsin the Basilica of St. Just i Pastor, read and listened to the names of men, women and children who have left their homeland in the hope of escaping the war, disease and thelack of future, only to find death when crossing the desert or the Mediterranean.
La veglia "Morire di Speranza" a Barcellona (Spagna) La veglia "Morire di Speranza" a Barcellona (Spagna)

September 1 2017

September 1st, memory of Saint Egidio. The Community that took his name give thanks in every part of the world

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August 28 2017

Global friendship, #MoreYouthMorePeace: message and commitment of the Youth for Peace in Barcelona

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August 26 2017

From the Ramblas the appeal for peace of the youth of Sant'Egidio

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August 25 2017

VIDEO: Youth for Peace in Barcelona commemorate the victims of the terrorist attack at the Rambla

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August 25 2017

In Barcelona the Youth for Peace remember the victims of the terrorist attack. LIVE h.18:30 at and Facebook

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August 23 2017

More Youth More Peace in Barcelona: European youth want peace

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