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Support the Community

December 12 2013 | MAPUTO, MOZAMBIQUE


At Christmas, reserve a seat at the table ...

for a child of the Matola nutritional centre

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At this Christmas 2013, help us to prepare a special meal for the children of the Matola nutritional centre, in Mozambique.

Thanks to the long distance adoptions programme, every day 3,000 children receive a hot, nutritious meal, as well as care and affection, in the three nutritional centres of the Community of Sant'Egidio in Mozambique and Malawi.
On Christmas Day, we will set a special table and each child will also receive a personal gift.

You too can help us to prepare this great party:

- Make a donation to postal C/A 61176038 payable to the Community of Sant'Egidio non-profit organisation, subject (Matola Nutrition Centre - Mozambique)

 Others ways to help:

- Fill out the form to subsrcibe for adoption (IT)>

- At Christmas give an adoption as a present
(IT) >

The Sant'Egidio nutritional centre in Matola
The DREAM Programme nutritional centres
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