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Marraskuu 29 2013

Crida contra la pena de mort a Manresa amb la Comunitat de Sant Egidi

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Louis Catro Pérez és al corredor de la mort d'una presó de Texas, als Estats Units. Ahir la seva germana, Delia Pérez, va ser a Manresa convidada per la Comunitat de Sant Egidi per fer una crida contra la pena capital. Pérez va dir que el seu germà és innocent i que no va ser jutjat amb garanties. Davant d'un públic format bàsicament per estudiants de secundària, va afirmar que val la pena lluitar per fer un món més humà i que no generi més violència.

Lokakuu 19 2017

THANKS to all those who signed the appeal for Anthony Shore: his execution was stopped tonight. Let's keep signing the appeal

IT | EN | DE
Lokakuu 10 2017

On 15th World Day Against the Death Penalty let us visit the poorest convicts in Africa

IT | EN | DE | ID
Huhtikuu 4 2017

Let's ask to stop the 8 executions planned in Arkansas by April. Sign the Appeal!

IT | EN | DE
Helmikuu 9 2017

Sant'Egidio expresses solidarity with the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines for the struggle against death penalty

Marraskuu 30 2016

Celebrating all over the world Cities for Life: Give a look to the events. Follow us! Streaming h.6,30pm 1GMT

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | PT | CA | ID
Marraskuu 25 2016

On November 30th join the World Day of the Cities for Life against the death penalty

IT | EN | ES | FR | PT | CA | ID
kaikki uutiset
Helmikuu 19 2018

Appello della Chiesa Usa per salvare la vita di due condannati a morte

Joulukuu 2 2017
Corriere della Sera - Ed. Roma

Al Colosseo artisti contro la pena di morte

Marraskuu 30 2017
Corriere della Sera - Ed. Roma

Live contro la pena di morte

Marraskuu 29 2017

Pena di morte. Impagliazzo (Comunità Sant’Egidio), “difendere la vita di un condannato è difendere la vita di tutti”

Marraskuu 29 2017
Notizie Italia News

Per un mondo senza pena di morte. #PENADIMORTEMAI

Marraskuu 28 2017
Radio Vaticana

Sant'Egidio: tutelare la vita di un condannato è difendere la vita di tutti

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Marraskuu 28 2017 | ROOMA, ITALIA

10th Int'l Congress of Justice Ministers ''A World without the Death Penalty''

Syyskuu 24 2015

Pope Francis calls on Congress to end the death penalty. "Every life is sacred", he said

Maaliskuu 12 2015
Associated Press

Death penalty: a look at how some US states handle execution drug shortage

Maaliskuu 5 2015
Associated Press

Nitrogen gas executions approved by Oklahoma House

Helmikuu 28 2015

Australian PM strikes conciliatory note over Indonesia executions

Helmikuu 28 2015

US Supreme Court won't lift stay in Florida execution

Helmikuu 25 2015

Saudi court gives death penalty to man who renounced his Muslim faith

Helmikuu 21 2015

New Oregon governor will continue death penalty moratorium

Helmikuu 15 2015

Archbishop Chaput applauds Penn. governor for halt to death penalty

siirry kuolemanrangaistusta ei

Vice President Mnangagwa: Zimbabwe's steps toward the abolition of the death penalty

Mario Marazziti: rifiutare la logica della pena di morte per non cedere alla trappola del terrore

Statement by Minister J. Kamara on the death penalty in Sierra Leone

Cambodian Minister of Justice, Ang Vong Vathana: Cambodia as a model of Asian country without the death penalty

Rajapakshe, Minister of Justice: Sri Lanka to protect the right to life, against the death penalty

Tanni Taher: the commitment of Sant'Egidio against the death penalty in Indonesia


Malawi contro la pena di morte
Cities for life: da Roma al mondo contro la pena di morte

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