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"Pacem in Terris"
January 1st 2003
Celebration of the World Day of Peace

War is the "mother" of all poverty
and is never an unavoidable destiny




On January 1st, the day dedicated to peace and accompanied by John Paul II's message, the Community of Sant'Egidio invites to remember all those countries which, in the north or in the south of the world, are waiting for the end of the war, which is a source of suffering for many peoples and "mother" of all poverties, and for the end of terrorism, through moments of meeting and prayer.

the Community of Sant'Egidio invites to a march
to strengthen the peace will and the peace initiatives
and to remember all the countries which, 
in the North or in the South of the world, 
are suffering from war and terrorism

January 1st
10.30 a.m. - Piazza della Chiesa Nuova

(Corso Vittorio Emanuele II)
in procession to Piazza San Pietro
to listen to John Paul II's peace message


The initiatives in other cities: