Comunità di S.Egidio

Adriana Gulotta

 Long Distance Adoption

The International foster care is an act of solidarity that guarantees the minors who live in poorer countries and their families an economic support so that they may receive basic staples, education, and necessary health care. At the same time it is characterized by respect for the original family and by the support given to the family's educational effort. In fact, International foster care allow children to stay in their home, family, and country.
Since September of 1998 the Community of Sant'Egidio has run a program of international foster care. A secretariat was created to deal with this children's aid program.

International foster care provide:

Scholastic support for the child.
Scholastic support for the child and for his or her entire class.
Complete adoption of the child: including school, nutrition, and health care.
Complete adoption of the child and economic support for his or her family.

This year more than 600 "long distance adoptions" have begun, involving children in Ivory Coast, Mozambique, and Ukraine.