are our Young People?
they are people whose life stories are full of trouble; people who, young
as they are, feel much older than their acge. They are defenceless and
lonely. They spend much of their time on the streets (in Africa, Asia and
Latin America, they sometimes actually ive on the streets); they live in
family strife or squalor, at at the margins of society. We deal with
so-called "problem" children and "truant" adolescents,
who struggle to learn in school. We deal with children who are ill or
permanently disabled. Some of the children we help are truly alone: even
when they do have parents, the family is divided and unstable and cannot
look after them. They are young people who lack points of reference, and
lack the love and security they need if they are to grow.
we deal also with ordinary kids, with no particular difficulties, who want
to be with other kids. These are children and teen-agers who want to learn
to live in friendship with others. Some are schoolmates of the children in
our Homes; others are children of the Community's members; others are
children and teen-agers who simply asked to participate in our activities.
want to give all of them the chance to live happy lives and have a better