Started by the Community
of Sant'Egidio, this is a movement of Christian inspiration, which aims to
reach all those who wish to work with
us to value and defend the life of the elderly and
old age.The movement has an international character: it is open to all those
in every part of the world who share the spirit and the
points of the movement. Both individuals and associations can join
through subscription to the "Long live the elderly"
Subscriptions can be individual or collective, and can be sent by
post to the Secretary of the Movement: "Viva gli Anziani", via
Sacchi, 4 - 00153 Roma, tel. 06 58.15.672 or via e-mail to:
[email protected]
We want
there to be many of us, in every part of the word, a movement of elderly,
a movement of hearts, to say: "Long live the elderly".