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'Fazer Paz - a diplomacia de Sant'Egidio' está a venda

Na véspera do Quinquagésimo, um livro para entender o trabalho para a paz de Sant'Egidio

As palavras do Papa Francisco na marcha Paz em todas as terras

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Bauman Zygmunt

Sociologist and philosopher, Poland

Zygmunt Bauman (born 19 November 1925) is a Polish sociologist. He has resided in England since 1971 after being driven out of Poland by an anti-semitic campaign engineered by the communist government of the Polish People's Republic. Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Leeds, Bauman is one of the world's most eminent social theorists writing on issues as diverse as modernity and the Holocaust, postmodern consumerism and liquid modernity.

(September 2016)
Source: Wikipedia

Assisi 2016 - Thirst for Peace


#peaceispossible #thirstforpeace

February 8 2018
Il sociologo Bauman al Papa: «Sei la luce in fondo al tunnel» La testimonianza di Riccardi
October 29 2016
La Civiltà Cattolica
Intervista a Papa Francesco in occasione del viaggio apostolico in Svezia
October 5 2016
Marco Impagliazzo: Nel tempo del noi
October 2 2016
Quale accoglienza? Il metodo «adottivo» che emerge da Assisi
September 30 2016
Vida Nueva
Marco Impagliazzo: “Los líderes musulmanes deben denunciar con más valentía el terrorismo”
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Giovani x la Pace