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March 5 2010

HAITI: A new mission of the Community of Sant'Egidio in the city wounded by the earthquake, helping people to look at the future

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Cattedrale di Port Au Prince
  Port Au Prince Cathedral

 In a few days it will be two months since the earthquake that has destroyed Haiti.The situation in  Port-au-Prince is still tragic, but the city appears to be resisting to the consequences of the quake. It wants to look at the future. However the signs of the earthquake are everywhere.

The Cathedral and more than half of the churches of the city are either destroyed or unusable. Most of the schools have been swallowed by the earthquake, the few hospitals that existed are heavily damaged, public structures almost disappeared and many house have crumbled down.

The number of victims is officially set at 220 thousands, but many people are still under the rubbles and nobody knows their number.


Free settlements

Ruins of the city


Campo   Canape Vert
Camp Canapé Vert

Today more than three hundred thousands people are living under tents.

How long will it be before I can get a house? How long before we can return to a normal life?

These are the questinons of the Hatians who look at their future with uncertainty. We are still in an emergency phase.

This is why the Community sent a fourth mission to distribute humanitarian aid. It is a mission of people from Rome, Cuba and San Salvador, together with the Communities of Haiti of  Port-au-Prince, Cap-Haitien, Anse -a- Veau.

At  Canape Vert 

In these last days tents and food were distibuted in three camps: La Saline, Canapé Vert e Bourdon. The aid was given to children of the schools of peace, to their families and also to many old people.

The distribution toook place in a climate of joy (as the pictures show) but also with great composure. Families thanked the Community for the gifts they received, but most of all for its faitfulness and closeness. Parties have been organized for the children.


  Bourdon Camp
Mani per            Haiti - Campo La Saline
La Saline Camp


Marco Impagliazzo con una anziana e un bambini nel campo Bourdon

Also the old people who are adopted by the Community have been visited. Their houses were all destroyed and they now live under a large tent but their house are already being reconstructed.


The adopted children who had lost their school building will start school in a few days. Their classes will be held under a tent while the buidling is rebuilt. 


Many questions are still open, many are the needs. The Community remains close to the people of Haiti and it is getting ready to new missions.

At the end of these days of distribution and meetings with the victims of the earthquake, the Communities of Haiti met with Marco Impagliazzo in their first meeting after the earthquake.

the old people "adopted" by the Community

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