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Dankliturgie bij de 50e verjaardag van de Gemeenschap van Sant'Egidio

10 Februari om 17.30 uur in de Basiliek Sint-Jan van Lateranen

Over enkele dagen de derde missie van Sant'Egidio voor de Rohingya vluchtelingen

'VREDE IN ALLE LANDEN': 1 januari, vredesmars voor een wereld die in staat is te verwelkomen en integreren

Op de eerste dag van het nieuwe jaar zijn er manifestaties op alle continenten om de boodschap van paus Franciscus te ondersteunen

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Herzog Philippe

Economist, Confrontations Europe, France

Formerly a student of l’Ecole Polytechnique, Philippe Herzog started his career as an administrator at the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies. He was also a Professor of economics, and taught at the University of Paris-X Nanterre (19732003). He was Member of the Political Bureau of the French Communist Party (1979-1996).

He was a Member of the French Economic and Social Committee (1948-1989), of the Committee of Economic Analysis towards the Prime Minister (1997-2008), and Chairman of the Institute for Public Financial Education (2006). As a Member of the European Parliament (1989-2004), he was Chairman of the committee on External Economic relations, and Vice-Chairman of the Committee of Economic and Monetary Affairs. He is now special adviser to the European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, Michel Barnier. Philippe Herzog has been awarded Chevalier de l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques, of the Ordre National du Mérite, and of the Légion d’honneur.

[September 2016]

Assisi 2016 - Dorst naar Vrede


#peaceispossible #thirstforpeace


Materiale per la stampa

"La guerra è una cosa orribile. Amate la pace, amate gli altri!" Gilberte Fournier, 93 anni
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