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'VREDE IN ALLE LANDEN': 1 januari, vredesmars voor een wereld die in staat is te verwelkomen en integreren

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Moretti Mauro

CEO of Leonardo, Italy

Mauro Moretti (born 29 October 1953) is an Italian executive and current CEO and General Manager of Leonardo-Finmeccanica SpA (formerly Finmeccanica), he is also President of ASD – the AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (since March 2015), Chairman of the Italy-Japan Business Group (since September 2015), Honorary Chairman of AIAD – the Italian Industries Federation for Aerospace, Defence and Security (since July 2014) and President of the Italian FS Italian Foundation (since 2013). He has been CEO of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane and chairman of the Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies. He was Mompeo mayor in 2004 and he worked as syndacalist.

Mauro Moretti joined Ferrovie dello Stato a few months after graduating in Electro Technical Engineering at Bologna University. His career continued in FS where, after passing a public examination, he reached an executive position. Since then, he has held numerous positions in various sectors and with various companies of the Group. Moretti has been Vice-Director of the Technologies and System Development Division (December 1991), Director of the Technological Development and Rolling Stock Division (March 1993), Managing Director of Metropolis, the Group company for the management, development of real estate assets (February 1994).

In December 1997 Moretti became the director of "Area Strategica di Affari" (ASA)- Business Strategies, which he managed even after it was transformed into the Infrastructure Division (July 1999). In February 2001 Moretti became a Member of the Board of Directors of Ferrovie dello Stato. In July of the same year, Rete Ferroviaria Italiana was set up and he was appointed Managing Director. During his time in FS he also became a cadre of the trade union CGIL Trasporti, arriving to be its Secretary from 1986 to 1991.

In September 2006 he was appointed Chief Executive Officer of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Spa.

In May 2014 Leonardo-Finmeccanica Board of Directors appointed Mauro Moretti as new Chief Executive Officer and General Manager of the Group.

In 2015, Moretti has launched the company’s reorganisation plan for its competitiveness in global markets. The plan’s objective was to transform the company into a more integrated industrial hub, structured in seven operational divisions. The company’s activities have been focused on the core business of Aerospace, Defence and Security and non-strategic assets, such as the Transport sector, have been sold off. At the same time, Moretti has implemented plans for debt and cost reduction and profitability recovery. In 2016, Moretti also proposed to change the company name from Finmeccanica to Leonardo SpA, a name inspired by the Italian scientist Leonardo Da Vinci.

Moretti holds various positions outside Leonardo-Finmeccanica
  • President of the AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association - ASD - since March 2015
  • Honorary Chairman of AIAD, Italian Industries Federation for Aerospace, Defence and Security since 2014
  • President of the FS Foundation since 2013
  • Co-Chairman of the Italian Egyptian Business Council from 2012 to 2014
  • Chairman of Collegio Ingegneri Ferroviari Italiani (Italian Association of Railway Engineers) since 2004
  • Member of Unindustria (Industrialist and Enterprises Association of Rome)
  • Member of the European Management Committee of the International Railway Union (UIC) since 2007
  • Member of the Board of Confindustria (Italian Confederation of Industry) since October 2006
  • Member of the Board of Federtrasporto (National Confederation of transport and services companies) from May 2007 to April 2012
  • Member of the Board of Assolombarda (Industrialist and Enterprises Association of Lombardia) from 2007 to 2014


[September 2016]
Source: wikipedia

Assisi 2016 - Dorst naar Vrede


#peaceispossible #thirstforpeace


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