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Ayuda a la Comunidad


Liturgia de Acción de Gracias por el 50 aniversario de la Comunidad de Sant'Egidio

10 de febrero, a las 17.30 h Basílica de San Juan de Letrán

Más dificultades para los más pobres para encontrar, conservar o quedarse en una casa

Presentación de la guía DÓNDE 2018

Llegan a Italia los primeros corredores humanitarios de 2018. La nueva fase del proyecto que se ha convertido en un modelo de acogida e integración para Europa

versión imprimible
12 Septiembre 2011 09:30 | Neues Rathaus, Kleiner Sitzungssaal

Japan after the Earthquake by Katsuji Iwahashi

Katsuji Iwahashi

Sintoísta, Japón

First of all, I would like to show my deepest gratitude and respect to support and prayer sent from all over the world for people suffering from the Earthquake struck Japan on 11th March.

On the day, 11th March, I was in Tokyo. Fortunately the building of our office was not damaged, but still I cannot forget the fear I felt when I experienced the ground waving for the first time in my life. Since the day, even though six months have passed, the situation of suffering people has not been improved. Like other religious institution in Japan, Shinto shrines were severely damaged. The earthquake and tsunami caused damage to approximately 4,500 shrines. Among them, about 230 shrines were totally destroyed or wiped away and disappeared. There are Shinto priests who lost their lives. In addition to natural disaster, the issue of nuclear power plant has not been solved and economical situation is hardly recovered.

Under such difficult condition, Japanese religious organizations are involved in various activities to help suffering people. Immediately after the earthquake and tsunami, Shinto shrines in Tohoku area provided their facilities as shelters, and Jinja Honcho and shrines in other areas conducted support activities such as sending people and supplies to the suffering area. However, this is not only the case with religious organizations. Any companies, organizations and individuals think and work in order to help more people as much as they can. To support someone or to help someone is the thought that lies deep inside the heart of each Japanese person.

It is very sad to know that some people said “There is no god or Buddha” or “God did not help us”. But looking the tsunami swallowing a whole town, knowing the grief of losing loving ones, I cannot blame people for saying so. Then, what can Shinto shrines do for these people?

As you may know, there are various ways to worship in Shinto, and ‘matsuri’ is a unique form of worshipping. It is often translated as ceremony or festival. This matsuri has two different natures. One is solemn ritual and the other is a nature of entertaining event which people and gods enjoy together. Generally, Japanese people imagine the latter entertaining event when they hear the word ‘matsuri’. Right after the earthquake, many events at Shinto shrines were cancelled or shrunk in scale. Probably this is because of maturi’s entertaining nature which people thought unsuitable to the circumstances after the quake. However, as time went on, people start to say that they should conduct matsuri properly.

Matsuri at Shinto shrine is not only an entertainment. People gather at a shrine which functions as a center of a town and enjoy together with deity. This means to re-recognize and strengthen the bond between people. The bond between people is very important especially under devastatingly difficult condition. People are energized by taking part in matsuri at a shrine, and by recognizing the bond people can face the difficulties. Since the earthquake until now, there was neither riot nor major plunder in Japan. This is probably because each person knows that he or she is a part of a society and that it is necessary to help each other. This is in other words the spirit of matsuri.

Japan has experienced numerous disasters and has overcome them. It may take a long time, but I believe our country and our people will again overcome the difficulty with the spirit of matsuri.

18 Octubre 2017

Un mes después del Encuentro de las religiones en Münster, los Caminos de Paz han pasado por 4 continentes

En la foto, acto realizado en Blantyre (Malawi). Mira las fotos y los vídeos de los otros actos
IT | ES | DE | FR | RU
11 Octubre 2017

Las religiones se reúnen en La Habana para abrir Caminos de Paz en Cuba

El encuentro interreligioso de oración por la paz organizado por Sant'Egidio en el Estado caribeño
IT | EN | ES | DE | NL | ID
25 Septiembre 2017

#PathsofPeace en Nigeria: en Jos, cristianos y musulmanes dialogan para abrir Caminos de Paz

Después de Münster se multiplican los encuentros de oración y diálogo entre las religiones organizados por Sant'Egidio
IT | EN | ES | DE | CA
23 Septiembre 2017

En VÍDEO, las intervenciones de la mesa redonda 'Migrantes: salvar, acoger, integrar'

IT | ES | CA
22 Septiembre 2017

Caminos de Paz: textos. vídeos y noticias del encuentro internacional de oración por la paz de Münster

IT | EN | ES | FR | CA
22 Septiembre 2017
Comunicado de prensa

No dejemos pasar más tiempo. Solamente un diálogo verdadero y razonable, permitirá encontrar una salida a la crisis Cataluña-España

IT | ES | CA
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