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September 11 2011 | MUNICH, GERMANY

9/11, Munich - The Eucharistic Celebration opens the international meeting "Bound to Live Together"

Peace – The beginning of the meeting of the Community of Sant’Egidio. Card. Marx : “The testimony of peace is crucial in a faith experience”. Filaret (Moscow Patriarchate): “To observe the commandment of unity”

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The crowded Cathedral of Munich is the opening image of the international meeting of prayer for peace "Bound to live together. Religions and Cultures in Dialogue", organized by the Community of Sant'Egidio. During the Liturgy, in an almost spring day, at least 2000 people from various european countries and ecumenical representatives of different confessions were welcomed by Cardinal Reinhard Marx. "We know that conflicts go along with human history, but they should not discourage us and should not lead us to stop building the peace. It's a work that proceeds step by step and in which we must continue to believe. The construction and the work for peace should not be considered a plus for the Christians, the testimony of peace is crucial in a faith experience." The mission of Christians, continued the cardinal, is to live together as the family of God in human history. Also the prayers of the faithful have stressed the need for this witness, in memory of the war-torn countries and inviting to receive the immigrants.

To greet this international people, which makes his 25th step of the journey begun in 1986 in Assisi, the words of the Orthodox Metropolitan Filaret, representative of the Patriarchate of Moscow, concluded the liturgy: "We recognize the oneness of humankind and we are committed to observe the commandment of God on unity and mutual love. With grateful heart I give the assurance that our meeting today is a step towards the unity commanded by the Creator."

October 11 2017

Religions gather in Havana to open Paths of Peace in Cuba

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September 25 2017

The Spirit of Assisi in Nigeria: in Jos Christians and Muslims in dialogue to open new Paths of Peace

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September 22 2017

Paths of Peace: textes, videos and news of the International Meeting of prayer for peace of Münster

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September 14 2017

At the Roots of Terrorism. VIDEO

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September 12 2017

#pathsofpeace: world religions launch a movement to prevent conflicts. Next year's appointment in Bologna

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September 12 2017

Closing ceremony of Paths of Peace: all the interventions

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all the news
February 23 2018

"Wir können Frieden organisieren wie andere den Krieg"

February 1 2018

50° Comunità Sant’Egidio: Hilarion (Patriarcato di Mosca), “la nostra una collaborazione che ha dato tanti buoni frutti”

January 30 2018

Corridoi umanitari: la collaborazione ecumenica via della speranza

January 26 2018
POW - Pressestelle des Ordinariates Würzburg

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January 15 2018
Roma sette

Ecumenismo, in processione con anglicani, luterani e ortodossi

December 15 2017

Im Mittelpunkt steht das Gebet für den Frieden

the entire press review
January 23 2018 | BARCELONA, SPAIN

Semana de Oración por la Unidad de los Cristianos


ASSISI 2016 - il programma in pdf

Ahmad Al Tayyeb - Oriente e Occidente - Dialoghi di civiltà - Parigi 2016

Andrea Riccardi - Oriente e Occidente - Dialoghi di civiltà

Messaggio del Patriarca ecumenico Bartolomeo I, inviato al Summit Intercristiano di Bari 2015

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