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January 8 2004

The “Bruna Cicconi” library at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tirana has been inaugurated

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On January 5th 2004, in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Tirana, has taken place the inauguration cerimony of a library dedicated to Bruna Cicconi. Announced during the ceremonies for the ten years of Sant’Egidio’s activity in Albany, the library is open to the students of the faculty. It contains texts specialised in physiotherapy, logopaedics and handicap’s treatment. It is based on a collection of books offered by the Community of Sant’Egidio, which will be annually supplemented and updated. The library is dedicated to Bruna Cicconi, one of the first people in the Community to commit herself to Albany. Bruna, who died in 1994, had taken particuarly care of the therapy and rehabilitation of the ill and the handicapped. Many in Tirana remember her for the “Glasses in the schoolbag” operation, which was the beginning of regular journeys of opticians to Albany. This has enabled more than 3.000 children to access freely to ophthalmological treatments. The ambulatory for the rehabilitation of the children in Lezha is also named after Bruna.

October 9 2017

German President Steinmeier visits the Community of Sant'Egidio: ''make the world a peaceful place''

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September 20 2017

Let us help Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh

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August 23 2017

More Youth More Peace in Barcelona: European youth want peace

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March 23 2017

I dream of a new European humanism, that calls for memory, courage, a sound and humane utopian vision.

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February 20 2017

Youth for Peace speak different languages but have the same dream: #peripheryatcenter no to walls and peace for all

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October 31 2016

Sant'Egidio in Iraq: humanitarian aid and national and interreligious dialogue to overcome the crisis

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