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July 17 2015 | BERLIN, GERMANY

No more walls: young Europeans in Berlin for a Europe without walls

from Germany, United Kingdom, Belgium, Netherlands, France, Spain and Portugal, met in the German capital with the dream of a continent without barriers

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"No more walls": 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, is the title of the conference that brought together in the German capital more than 300 young people of Sant'Egidio from Germany, UK, Belgium, Netherlands, France, Spain and Portugal.  

Meetings, testimonies, music, history: the conference opened with a lecture on the historical roots of the birth of the Berlin wall, remembering also the other walls that divide the world today, and will end on Sunday 19 July with a peaceful march that will cross the Brandenburg Gate to commemorate the victims of past and present divisions, for a Europe without walls.


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'Our mission: a global friendship'. The message of European Youth of Sant'Egidio for the #HolocaustRemembranceDay

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Libya: The humanitarian agreement for the region of Fezzan, signed at Sant'Egidio on June 16th 2016 (Arabic text)

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