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September 21 2015 | NAKURU, KENYA

Peace is possible also in Nakuru, Kenya

More than 2000 youth gathered for a Prayer in the Spirit of Assisi run by the Community of Sant'Egidio

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On Sunday the 20th September at morning, the Community of Sant'Egidio organised a Prayer in the Spirit of Assisi in Nakuru, Kenya, under the title: Peace is possible.

At the ceremony participated the Catholic episcopal Vicar, the Anglican priest and the local Imam, and it was attended by about 2,000 students from 30 different schools of the area.

Francis Waithaka, the responsible for Sant'Egidio in Kenya, spoke on behalf of the Community reminding the International Meeting for Peace of few days ago in Tirana, Albania and how the Spirit of Assisi grew along the years. He went on stressing the responsibility that every person has in building peace, and how much the youth can do in this sense. At the end of the ceremony, starting from the religious representatives, all the participants signed the banner and lit candles as a sign of peace pledge.

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