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December 18 2009

Press Release: Pope Benedict XVI visits the Soup-Kitchen of the Community of Sant’Egidio for the Feast of the Holy Family

printable version
Sunday December 27th 2009
Feast of the Holy Family
Pope Benedict XVI visits the Community of Sant’Egidio
Lunch with the poor at the Soup-Kitchen in Via Dandolo 10
  12.30 pm
(After the Angelus)
Contact: Press Office [email protected]


On the occasion of Christmas, the Community of Sant'Egidio in Rome and the world celebrates the feast with the poor.

Some events in Rome:

On December 24 evening, at 20.00:
Mobile meal at the stations and places where the homless sleep.
The dinner will have 12 routes and will reach 60 points in the city of Rome.

Contact: Augusto D'Angelo, e-mail:
[email protected];
On Christmas Day, December 25:
Christmas lunch at the Basilica of St. Maria in Trastevere and in 38 other places.
total of 10,000 people will be involved.
Paolo Ciani, Francesco Dante, Rinaldo Piazzoni. Alberto Quattrucci.
Press Office: [email protected];
Saturday, December 26:
The Community of Sant'Egidio and the Direction of Regina Coeli Prison organize a Christmas lunch with the prisoners 51 years after the historic visit of Pope John XXIII.
Contact: Paolo Ciani, Francesco Dante
Press Office: [email protected]


On Christmas Day, Friday, December 25th and Sunday, December 27th the Mass in the Basilica of SantaMaria in Trastevere will be broadcast live on RAI  at 11.00am.

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