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October 8 2012 | NEW YORK, UNITED STATES

A pic-nic in Central Park with our homeless friends

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Pic-nic con gli amici senza dimora al Central Park di New York

The Community of Sant'Egidio in New York gathered for a pic-nic in Central Park with the homeless friends whom we have befriended for almost two years at Grand Central Station.

A familiar and joyful moment in which we were able to spend a good day together in friendship!

November 25 2017

Thanksgiving with the poor in New York

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October 10 2017

On 15th World Day Against the Death Penalty let us visit the poorest convicts in Africa

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August 1 2017

The Saturday night of Pretoria's Sant'Egidio youth with the poor: story of a contagious solidarity

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July 10 2017

Summer of solidarity: Moscow's elderly in vacation with homeless friends. WATCH THE PHOTOGALLERY

IT | EN | ES | DE | FR | CA
March 28 2017

Homeless gather for prayer in Moscow with Sant'Egidio at the end of the long russian winter

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January 16 2017

In these very cold days, I think of and invite you to think of all of the people who live on the streets

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all the news
February 26 2018

Emergenza freddo. Rifugi e parrocchie aperte ai senza dimora

February 26 2018

Emergenza freddo. Rifugi e parrocchie aperte ai senza dimora

February 24 2018
La Repubblica - Ed. Roma

Roma, Burian: arriva il gelo dalla Siberia. "Subito più letti per i clochard”

February 24 2018
Vatican Insider

Maltempo, Sant’Egidio: non lasciamo soli i senza dimora

February 24 2018
Il Sole 24 ore

Emergenza freddo, S. Egidio: non lasciamo soli i senza dimora

February 24 2018

A spasso per Milano aiutando l'Africa

the entire press review
January 7 2018

Per vincere l'isolamento di chi vive per la strada, domenica 7 gennaio a Roma pranzo e tombolata di solidarietà


La guida "Dove mangiare, dormire, lavarsi a Napoli e in Campania" 2016

La Comunità di Sant'Egidio e i poveri in Liguria - report 2015

Sintesi, Rapporti, Numeri e dati sulle persone senza dimora a Roma nel 2015

Le persone senza dimora a Roma

La povertà in Italia

Alcune storie raccolte al telefono della Comunità di Sant’Egidio - 2014

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