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May 25 2013 | ROME, ITALY

The world is changing music: Change the world with your music!

In Rome on 25 May, the grand finale of the musical contest "Play Music Stop Violence" sponsored by Youth for Peace

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The event is scheduled for Saturday, May 25 at 5 p.m. at the Sala Sinopoli, Auditorium Parco della Musica, free admission. A concert of many voices, with ten bands selected from thirty-two bands of Rome and from outside Rome, with a total of 200 young artists who participated in the selections in recent months.
The "magnificent ten," will perform live in the finals of the third edition of “Play Music Stop Violence - Change the world with your music”, the music contest for young talents promoted by the Community of Sant'Egidio and the Fondazione Musica per Roma with support of the Chamber of Commerce of Rome.

The bands participate in the contest with original songs on the theme of a commitment against all forms of violence, war, racism, poverty, under the motto
The world is changing music.

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The first prize is in the category "Authors" and "Young talent", but also honorable mentions for the best arrangement, best lyrics, best female and male voices, a prize for the best live performance, a critics' prize and a premium web. The evening will be hosted by journalist Monica Giandotti, flanked by the comedy duo Andrew and Simon. The quality jury is composed by Pasquale Filastò, Albert Brick, Gabriele Palmieri, Daniela Pompei, Aidan Zammit and Alessandro Zuccari, but the audience will be able to vote for their favorite band and assign the popular prize. Tickets are already available for free at the information point of the Auditorium Parco della Musica.

The idea of ​​the contest, now in its third edition, stems from the belief that music and young people have a strong force that can actually change the world. The young artists who have chosen to participate were asked to tackle the problem of violence, which is still too widespread in the world, and give a concrete answer to the music.

       The songs presented launch a single message: Stop violence! No to violence, no to war, no to racism, no to poverty, yes to peace, yes to respect for each other, yes to solidarity. The music, which unites despite every barrier, can be the vehicle to launch and spread this message among young people. And 'This is the spirit with which young artists participating in the contest music they wrote songs and composed the music which now presented to the public. The winners of the main prizes will also draw benefits for their studies.


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