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February 10 2014 | ROME, ITALY

Chinese New Year at Esquilino: the students of the Italian School of Sant'Egidio celebrate it with the elderly

At the National Museum of Oriental Art and at the "Friendship Lunch" with Sant'Egidio, to begin together the Chinese New Year.

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9 February, a special Sunday for the residents of the Esquiline neighbourhood. A day dedicated to the integration in one of the most multiethnic areas of the capital. Italian elderly people along with Chinese immigrants (as well as other nationalities) went to the discovery of Chinese culture to celebrate the New Year. An event organised by the Sant'Egidio Community in collaboration with the National Museum of Oriental Art 'Giuseppe Tucci'.

The day began with a visit to the museum. An opportunity for the Chinese students of the Language School to show the beauty of their culture and tell the meaning of the festival, the most important in China. 

At the end of the visit, the Chinese students, along with the classmates from other countries, offered a "Friendship Lunch" to the elders of the neighbourhood, who were accompanied by the operators of the programme "Long Live the Elderly".

A memorable day for everyone: for the Chinese, who felt their culture valued, and for the elderly, who had the opportunity to make a "journey" in a fascinating but unknown world. 


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